DrupalCon London 2011 Session Schedule

DrupalCon London 2011 Session Schedule

Core Conversations are a place for people actively working on Drupal or Drupal.org to meet and plan the future of Drupal (Drupal 8). We will announce selected Core Conversation sessions on 22 July 2011.

We remind you that we have some excellent pre-conference training courses and workshops scheduled for 22 August 2011 and invite you to register for these. This is a great opportunity for Drupalists at all levels of experience to learn from the experts.

The cost for a full day training varies from only £150 for the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Drupal to £325 for advanced topics like Building Modules for Drupal 7 and Drupal Powered E-Commerce.

Demand for Drupal talent is high, so why not invest in your future!

Register now to attend DrupalCon London and for pre-conference training.

If you would like to support DrupalCon London and help us spread the word about the conference. Here you can get badges for your website and promote the conference via our Twitter and Facebook widgets.

See you at DrupalCon London 22-26 August 2011!

Stay up-to-date with the latest information about DrupalCon London by going to https://london2011.drupal.org/ or following us on Twitter @drupalcon.



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